MPAGB Qualification Achieved

I was delighted to find out yesterday that I have been awarded the Masters qualification (MPAGB) by the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. This is the highest qualification the PAGB offer and represents the “Highest Standard of UK Amateur Photography”

It is achieved by submitting 20 images which are then anonymously judged by 6 assessors. Each assessor awards each image a score between 2 & 5, meaning a perfect score would be 30 for an image.

To quote the PAGB “Scores above 24 are relatively unusual but can be achieved by the very best images”. I’m delighted to report that 18 of my images scored 24 & above, with 2 getting the maximum possible 30 marks. A total score of 450 is required to gain the award & I scored 525.

The images I used are below... or here is the PAGB News showing them a bit larger.

Needless to say I’m a happy boy this morning :-)